Cat to Stop Splashing Water Bowl

How to Get a Cat to Stop Splashing Water Bowl?

Cats are strange sometimes, and they splash water for a few reasons. Some like the feeling of water on their paws, like a mini water park. Others think they’re hunting something when they see the water move. And some cats are picky about their water and think splashing makes it taste better.

in this article, we will unravel the mysteries behind this feline quirk and provide you with simple and practical solutions to keep your cat’s water where it belongs – in the bowl.

Why Do Cats Splash Water?

Cats splashing water can be a bit puzzling, but there are reasons behind it. It’s a mix of their instincts and what they like.

First, cats are born hunters. When they see water moving in their bowl, it reminds them of prey, so they try to catch it by pawing at it. They’re also picky about their water; temperature and cleanliness must be just right. So if it doesn’t meet their standards, they might splash it to improve it. Sometimes, they do it just for fun because they find water interesting.

Some cats take it a step further and might dip their paws in sinks, bathtubs, or your glass of water. This could mean they like water, or they’re looking for your attention. So, when your cat plays with water, it’s their way of telling you something or simply having a good time, all with that unique cat charm.

How to Get a Cat to Stop Splashing Water Bowl?

Dealing with a cat that enjoys turning their water bowl into a splash zone can be challenging. However, with the right strategies, you can prevent this messy behavior and maintain a dry and tidy living space for you and your feline friend. Here’s a step-by-step guide packed with additional information to help you address this issue effectively.

Step 1: Opt for the Right Bowl Material

Choose a heavy and stable water bowl made of ceramic or stainless steel. These materials are less likely to tip over compared to lightweight plastic bowls.

Step 2: Adjust the Water Level

To discourage splashing, avoid filling the water bowl to the brim. Instead, keep the water level relatively low, so your cat has less room to create waves.

Step 3: Consider a Cat Water Fountain

Investing in a cat water fountain can be a game-changer. Many cats are captivated by the flowing water, and this can deter them from playing with it. Besides preventing splashing, these fountains ensure your cat has access to fresh and oxygenated water.

Step 4: Set Up a Splash-Proof Area

Place a waterproof tray or mat under the water bowl. This simple addition will catch any spills and make clean-up a breeze.

Step 5: Keep Your Cat Mentally and Physically Engaged

Sometimes, cats resort to splashing because they’re bored. Provide a variety of toys and engage in interactive playtime with your cat. This mental and physical stimulation can redirect their energy away from the water bowl.

Step 6: Offer a Distraction Bowl

Provide a separate container of water away from the primary water bowl. This secondary bowl can serve as a designated “play” area for your cat, reducing the likelihood of splashing in the main bowl.

Step 7: Regularly Refresh the Water

Cats are known for their preference for fresh water. Ensure you change the water in their bowl regularly to keep it clean and appealing. Stale water might encourage more splashing.

Step 8: Positive Reinforcement

Offer praise and a treat when your cat drinks from the bowl without causing a mess. Positive reinforcement can help shape their behavior over time.

Step 9: Be Patient and Consistent

Changing a cat’s habits takes time and patience. Be consistent in your efforts to discourage splashing, and keep going even if it doesn’t change overnight. Your persistence will pay off.

Can You Train Your Cat to Stop Splashing Water?

Yes, you can train your cat to stop splashing water, although it may take some patience and consistency. Cats often splash water for various reasons, such as playfulness or trying to quench their curiosity.

  • Try using a taller and narrower water bowl to stop your cat from splashing water. This makes it harder for them to play with the water. You can also find special covers to keep the water in the bowl.
  • Check if your cat likes warm or cool water and adjust the temperature accordingly.
  • If your cat splashes water because they’re bored, give them toys and spend time playing with them. Gradually add more water to their bowl to help them get used to it.
  • Reward your cat when they drink without splashing. If they like playing with water, set up special playtime for it.
  • Put the water bowl in a place where splashing won’t cause problems, like a bathroom. Some cats like water fountains, which can be a good option to encourage them to drink more. If the splashing continues or changes suddenly, talk to a vet to ensure your cat is okay.

What Are Splash Guards, and How Do They Work?

Splash guards are used for cats to stop splashing water bowl, such as raincoats and waterproof barriers, shield your feline friend from moisture and splashes. Raincoats designed for cats come equipped with hoods and leg holes, offering comfort and protection during rainy weather. These miniature jackets are a practical solution to keep your cat dry when venturing outdoors in wet conditions.

Alternatively, cats do not wear waterproof barriers but are employed to safeguard specific areas or items from moisture. For example, you might use a waterproof mat or cover to shield your cat’s bedding or litter box space from water and other liquids, ensuring a clean and dry environment for your pet. These products can be valuable for cat owners seeking to mitigate the effects of adverse weather or maintain cleanliness in their cats’ living spaces.


understanding why cats splash water and employing effective strategies can help you manage this behavior and maintain a tidy living space for you and your feline companion. By choosing the right bowl materials, adjusting water levels, and providing engaging alternatives, you can encourage your cat to drink without causing a mess. Additionally, splash guards such as raincoats and waterproof barriers offer practical solutions to protect your cat from moisture and maintain a clean environment. You can train your cat to stop splashing water with patience and consistency, ensuring a more peaceful coexistence.

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